My cable doesn't have Nickelodeon so I signed up for a free trial of Philo to see the football game today, and now I've got a week of MTV Classic. Love the variety they've got.

I had a dream that they had a Christmas ornament that was like a snow globe but cone-shaped, like a tree, and inside was little figurines of the members of Steps, and when you pressed a button on the bottom it would play a beep-boop version of Last Thing On My Mind. Kind of weird that they'd pick a cover song. But I guess this ornament does exist Only In My Dreams

they're talking about heat pumps on a local infomercial in WI, that's how you know they're popular

distant plant shared Thursday, December 14, 2023

I kind of want to see if I can port this to .NET

Sometimes it seems like 90% of /r/CFB straight up doesn't watch any other sports

I've got two monitors with the exact same screen size, and for some reason, whichever one is farther away and off to the side seems larger.

I ended up putting the one with the bigger bezel in the center, because otherwise it looked kinda ugly.

distant plant shared Tuesday, November 28, 2023

extremely local hot take

There's no reason WKBT's second digital subchannel needs to be HD. Uses too much bandwidth

"Soleil" might be a punchier name but "Crusader of Centy" is way easier to do an internet search for

it is so incredibly on-brand for .NET developers that defaults to light mode

AI discussion, vaccines

As a server mod, there are real, obvious reasons you'd want to ban AI-generated content. And yet a lot of the no-AI rules I've seen in Discord, Mastodon, and Reddit feel like they have an anti-technological undercurrent to them, built more on fear of the unknown than actual understanding.

It reminds me of how people distrust processed foods, not for the sugar and salt content, but because they can't pronounce the names of the ingredients. There's a lot of overlap between that mindset and the whole vaccines-causing-autism crowd.

I'm afraid that reflexive, unthinking reactions to AI could cause anti-technology attitudes that hurt accessibility for people who depend on technology in their day-to-day lives.

distant plant shared Sunday, November 19, 2023

If you like football, and you're not Canadian, you can just go to and watch the Grey Cup right now. You just need to give them an email address - I don't think it even has to be a real one

I turned off my TV playing YouTube Music and a full two minutes layer my phone suddenly starts playing I Should Be So Lucky. I guess I should complain but on the other hand I love that song

distant plant shared Wednesday, November 15, 2023

the marvels out of context spoilers

I saw the headline and the thumbnail and was like "I bet it's the racoon" and I was right

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